Monday 17 October 2016

3R's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poster Competition


3 R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poster Competition for National Recycling Week.

·      Entries are to be drawn on A3 size paper.

·      Student’s name and year level is to be written on the back of the entry.

·      The theme is Reduce, Re-use, Recycle at Mary’s Mount Primary School.

·      The poster competition will be judged by the Waste Wise Committee and the Student Green Team.

·      Entries need to be returned to the class teacher by Friday 28th October (week 3). Winner will be announced at our assembly Friday 4th November (week 4).

·      All entries will be displayed on the notice boards at the back of St Joseph’s hall. The winner will receive a prize and have their poster design copied, laminated and displayed around the school.
We can't wait to see all your entries!!!
Waste Wise Committee

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