Friday 28 October 2016

Number 2 - Waste Wise tip from the Green Team

Number 2 - Waste Wise tip from the Green Team is.......

  • Use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic shopping bags at the supermarket and other stores.
  • When plastic bags are placed in the bin, they end up in our environment and oceans. When animals, like turtles, mistake the bags for food, they become very sick.
  • So next time your family goes to the supermarket, bring your own reusable cloth bags, but make sure to wash them often.

Go Green!!

Mackenzie Houlahan
Green Team member - Year 5

Number 1 - Waste Wise Tip from the Green Team

Number 1 - Waste Wise tip from the Green Team is.....

Skip the Bottled Water!!!

  • Use a water filter or just plain tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive it generates large amounts of plastic waste.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle with you when going to school, sports, travelling on holiday or going to work.
Think Green and you too can be part of our team!!

Tom Boisvert
Green Team member - Year 5

Our first student Green Team announced

At our "Go Green" assembly last week we heard the announcement of our first student Green Team.

Congratulations go to:

Ella Newman Year 5
Tom Boisvert Year 5
Mackenzie Houlahan Year 5
Callum Hoffman Year 4
Kade Rafferty Year 4
Ella Kilmurray Year 4

We would like to thank all students for their very impressive applications. This first student Green Team will work with members from our Waste Wise Committee, share student ideas and take action towards an improved waste wise future at Mary's Mount Primary School.

Monday 17 October 2016

3R's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poster Competition


3 R’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poster Competition for National Recycling Week.

·      Entries are to be drawn on A3 size paper.

·      Student’s name and year level is to be written on the back of the entry.

·      The theme is Reduce, Re-use, Recycle at Mary’s Mount Primary School.

·      The poster competition will be judged by the Waste Wise Committee and the Student Green Team.

·      Entries need to be returned to the class teacher by Friday 28th October (week 3). Winner will be announced at our assembly Friday 4th November (week 4).

·      All entries will be displayed on the notice boards at the back of St Joseph’s hall. The winner will receive a prize and have their poster design copied, laminated and displayed around the school.
We can't wait to see all your entries!!!
Waste Wise Committee

Thursday 13 October 2016

Australia! Story Country: Book Fair

Image result for australia! story book fair

Australia! Story Country: Book Fair 

Storytelling has always been part of the Australian landscape. From the Aboriginal Dreamtime to modern day stories of Australia, we have a rich and diverse collection of tales to be passed from generation to generation. Come find your story at the Mary's Mount Book Fair in the McKenna Library!

Dates & Times: 

Mon 24 Oct 
8:15am-8:45am & 3:00pm-3:30pm

Tue 25 Oct
 8:15am-8:45am & 3:00pm-3:30pm

Wed 26 Oct 
8:15am-8:45am & 3:00pm-3:30pm

Thurs 27th Oct
8:15am-8:45am & 3:00pm-3:30pm

Saturday 8 October 2016

National Recycling Week at Mary's Mount Primary School 17th Oct - 21st Oct

A very exciting Week  2 in Term 4 is planned for us (Monday 17th Oct - Friday 21st Oct). 

This is when Mary's Mount Primary School community will be celebrating National Recycling Week. 

During that week we will be involved with a variety of fun and exciting activities within our classes.

Be sure to visit our McKenna Library to see the new Waste Wise Display. There will be lots of very interesting information about recycling and ideas of ways you can get involved in becoming more waste wise for our environment at school and at home.

On Friday 21st October we can put our uniforms aside and dress all in green to spread the message that Mary's Mount Primary School students are turning GREEN for the environment. This will be the time to acknowledge and celebrate our recent accreditation on becoming a Waste Wise School. 

We will be announcing our Student Green Team members at our Friday morning assembly. We are asking all students to bring along a gold coin donation for green day (please give your coin to your classroom teacher), this money will go towards purchasing our much needed worms for our worm farms.

Happy bodies, happy minds.

We have four PC's for you to use during your visit to McKenna Library. Please remember to keep your awareness on your body posture and position if using the computers for more than 30 minutes.

Image: Google images.