Friday 28 July 2017

Zero Waste Lunch Day - Thursday 3rd August

Our Yellow Lid Recycling Bins are here!!!

Our Yellow Lid Bins are here and being used at Mary's Mount!!!!

This means our recycling system at May's Mount Primary School is fully operational. You will see we have placed a yellow lid wheelie bin alongside every green general waste bin in the school grounds.

Please place all your recycling items in the yellow lid bins. If you're not sure what items to place inside the recycling bin please read the sign on the front of the bin, then if you're still not sure place it in the green general waste bin and ask the Green Team or a Teacher for next time.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: The little soft plastic snack bag wrappers and clear plastic food wraps CAN NOT BE RECYCLED. Please place them in the dark green general waste bins or better still don't use them (bring your snacks in recycled containers).

Saturday 3 June 2017

Worm farming at home

It is with great pleasure to announce that Mary's Mount Primary School now have two up and running worm farms. This is very exciting news for us all because now we can prevent all our organic matter at school from ending up in landfill.

We have provided you with a couple of links to Worm Farm Fact Sheets if you would like to start a worm farm from home and become a little more Waste Wise with us.

Gardening Australia - Building a worm farm - ABC

Worm Farming  - Fact Sheet - Eco House and Garden

Monday 6 March 2017

Your Cartridges are Driving Innovation

Your recycled toner cartridges are part of a pioneering trial. In a world-first, recycled cartridges and tyres are being used together to produce new roads across country Australia. And to add to the benefits the new road have a low carbon footprint and last longer.

Taken from article by Ryan Collins. 03-March-17.

We are very happy at Mary's Mount Primary School to be in partnership with "Close the Loop" with providing our school community a Planet Ark collection point to recycle our old and used printer cartridges.

Bring your cartridges in and place them in the Planet Ark Cartridge recycling box found in the front office. Be part of turning waste into a valuable resource.

Belinda Henderson
Waste Wise Committee Member

Friday 18 November 2016

Number 4 - Waste Wise Tip from the Green Team

Number 4 - The Waste Wise Tip from the Green Team is......

Next time your Mum or Dad go shopping ask them to buy in bulk when they can. Ask them to try to avoid buying a BIG packet of small packets. By following this tip we will be reducing waste.

This choice has less packaging waste.
This choice has more packaging waste

Thank you

Kade Rafferty
Green Team Member - Year 4

Monday 14 November 2016

Number 3 - Waste Wise tip from the Green Team

Number 3 - Waste Wise tip from the Green team is...

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Not only are they good for you, they are also biodegradable. Please remember to throw your fruit and vegetable scraps in a worm farm, compost heap or feed them to the chooks.

Thank you

Ella Kilmurray
Green Team member - Year 4